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Qaze Desktop Changelog


Released: 2024-07-02

The detailed changelog will be available tomorrow.
Read the announcement blog post here.


  • Feature: Metadata of a Microservice instance is now shown in a tab in the instance details
  • Fix: Microservices weren’t selectable in the Content Palette


Released: 2024-03-10

Read the announcement blog post here.

MacOS Code Signing

This release adds code signing for the MacOS versions of the app. It is now signed/notarized with a valid certificate from Qaze.

Connection Manager

  • Added support for referencing NATS contexts by file path. This is useful for systems where the automatic context discovery doesn’t work.


  • Feature: Auto formatting of KV values. You can turn on the auto formatting in the application settings.
  • Feature: Added support for updating keys. You can decide if you want to follow the optimistic concurrency control (OCC) approach or not when sumitting the change.
  • Feature: Show the revision and the created date of a key in the KV bucket details view.
  • Improvement/Fix: The “Keys” metric card on the KV bucket details view gets updated when the other metrics get updated. Previously, it was only updated when the user manually refreshed the keys list.
  • Feature: Show more information about the bucket in the right header section of the KV details view.
  • Improvement: The number of key (search) results is now shown clearer. It shows the number of keys in the list and the total number of keys in the bucket.
  • Feature: The KV bucket name in the title can now be copied to the clipboard when clicking on it.
  • Improvement: KV bucket mirrors provide a button to navigate to the source bucket to browse the keys.
  • Fix: The search for keys was non functional in some situations.


  • Feature: Show/Copy the Stream config as JSON. This allows to you to easily create the streams via the NATS CLI.
  • Feature: Auto formatting of KV values. You can turn on the auto formatting in the application settings.
  • Feature: Show more information about the stream in the right header section of the stream details view.
  • Feature: Show a specific icon for stream mirrors and KV bucket mirrors in the navigation.


  • Fix: Navigating between multiple microservices led to an application freeze.


  • Small improvements for the dark mode.
  • Qaze now uses version 1.33.1 of the NATS Go client library (nats.go) to communicate with NATS clusters.


Released: 2024-02-11

Connection Manager

  • Layout fix for the context dropdown field. For users with a big number of contexts, not all items were accessible because the dropdown had no max height setting. The dropdown has now a search input, which makes it easier to find the context you are looking for.
  • Fix: Updating connections could lead to race conditions. It is now enforced to disconnect first before being able to modify/delete the connection.


  • Fix: Show the “Max Bucket Size” form field in the KV bucket creation form.


  • Fix: Consumer details panel: when opening the details panel for a consumer, the focus movement created layouting problems on slow machines.
  • Fix: Message details panel: when opening the details panel for a message, the focus movement created layouting problems on slow machines.


  • Fix: For connection errors in dark mode, the label next to to the error message was not readable.
  • Fix: Corrected the color for scrollbars on certain Mac OS machines.
  • Fix: A fixed MacOS/Arm64 is now available. The application is currently signed with a developer test key, but we’re working on a offical Qaze signed version.
  • Fix: NSC path in the application settings: Selecting a directory via the browse button did not set the value.

Active Connection Bar

  • Fix: Improved/fixed layouting for small screens.


Released: 2024-02-08


  • Message details:
    • Redesigned payload preview to be more user friendly.
    • Automatic payload lanaguage detection for JSON and XML.
    • Fullscreen mode for the payload preview.
    • New Headers Tab to show the headers of the message.
    • Expand feature for the message details.
  • Config & State tab: Improved the layout for the assinged subjects.
  • Consumers: Improved the columns layout for the consumers table.
  • Consumers: Support for NATS 2.10 filterSubjects in the consumers table.
  • Consumers: Add a details panel for consumers which shows all details about the consumer configuration and state.


  • KV details:
    • Redesigned payload preview to be more user friendly.
    • Automatic payload lanaguage detection for JSON and XML.
    • Fullscreen mode for the payload preview.

Command Palette

  • Added entries for accesing common pages (Dashboard, Servers, Account, etc.)
  • Improved search for large cluster contents.
  • Added a new button in the navigation for quickly opening navigation entries and cluster contents. You can also use Strg + p (or Cmd + p on mac) to open the palette.
  • Added the count of streams, KV buckets and microservices in the section titles
  • Bugfix: Active styling fixed for cases where entries start with the same characters.


Released: 2024-01-08

Dark Mode

Qaze now has dark mode support! You can change the theme by clicking the moon/sun icon in the top right corner or in the application settings.

Dark Mode


  • Redesigned Layout for seeing/managing the contents of a KV bucket.
  • Resizable keys navigation.
  • Mass actions on selected keys.
  • Support for KV bucket compaction.
  • Added manual refresh button for KV bucket keys. An automatic periodic refresh isn’t performed any more.
  • Config: Improved layout for smaller screen sizes.


  • Improved speed of the message payload preview view.
  • Decreased font size to see more information.
  • Config & State: Improved layout for smaller screen sizes.

Application Settings

  • Added support for checking and installing software updates.
  • Added support for changing the theme (light/dark theme).
  • Added refresh button to refresh the contents of the NATS cluster. An automatic periodic refresh isn’t performed any more.
  • Navigation entries for Streams and KV Buckets now show the replication factor and the storage type.


  • Redesigned layout of dashboard metrics.